Monday, March 28, 2011


Yep, my weekend was just fine, I got pretty tired and am not yet over that but everything worked out peachy keen.
                                         This turned out to be a fairly good day for me, I was a bit pooped by the time it ended but there is nothing new there. This morning I was busy around here putting more stuff away and making a grocery list. I left the house before noon and drove to the fishing cabin on the dike to retrieve my fishing pole and fishing gear. After putting that away at the apartment ChiChi and I drove to the bowling alley. As I was walking toward the entrance I stopped and thought about leaving the windows down for ChiChi. Not because I failed to do that but because they were really down far enough for anyone so inclined could reach in and open the door. I raised them so that could not happen then proceeded to bowl a 170-156-140. That took about an hour and when returning to the car I found I had never locked the door. So what good did it do to roll the windows up? ChiChi was fine and I let him out to walk on the grass. I thought he might wish to empty his bladder or something but I was wrong. We then stopped by the gas station, $3.86 per gallon, before arriving at Wal-Mart.
I was in there way too long and put a big dent in my debit card in the process. After leaving Wal-Mart I stopped at the Comcast office to complain about the remote  they had given me. The lady traded it for one that she claims will do a better job so I was happy. I have not yet tried it but perhaps I will do that before I get to bed. I then drove to Ron and Carens to check on them. Before going in the house I waited for the dog to do his business but Caren's dog barked and scared my little guy poopless so we went inside. I kept an eye on him in the house but he was a perfect gentleman and caused no trouble. I visited for a while and since I had a trunk full of Wal-Mart stuff I decided to get home and get it put away before O'Reilly came on TV. While I was unloading the car ChiChi walked in the kitchen and left a puddle in the middle of the floor. Dumb dog. I was feeling so good about my bowling score that I didn't say much more than 'bad dog'. He got off easy this time. Next time? No promises! . . . .  .I must say this turned out to be an OK day. Oh, I forgot to mention, on my trip into town and back I never saw one raindrop until I got to the Castle Rock City Limits. It rained a while during my unloading process at home but otherwise it was not a bad weather day.

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