Friday, February 1, 2013


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Today’s pictures are from the day I ventured to Stone Island, the dockside picture shows all of the birds waiting to grab whatever they can from the fishermen working nearby. The other one is a picture of a concrete fence post with a barbed wire connector buried in it at the time of construction. There are five spaced connectors in each post and they are twisted around the wire to hold it in place. This type of post must be expensive because this is the only location I have been able to see such an animal.

            FRIDAY.. . . . . .I didn’t do much walking today and took no pictures at all. I did get back to the library and had lunch nearby at Macaws. Olivia, the cleaning lady, was finishing up as I returned before 4pm. It was a nice day for relaxing and reading, the sun was behind some thin clouds and the wind off the ocean was warm. I finished one book and found another one about the history of Hudson Bay Company. I like history but this one seems really dry. I will stay with it for a few more pages and see how it goes.udsonH



  1. I love seeing all the pictures! It looks beautiful down there. Hope all is well.


    1. Thank you for enjoying the pictures!
      Things are going great, I'm feeling just peachy keen!
